The following three things are personality traits that seem to share a common place with all of the top investors in history. Buffett at Carnegie, all of the successful investors have always had these three personality traits.
1) Resources
Resources have to be available to the potential investor, whether the person is new at investing or the investing for years. You must have some resources available to you. Those resources can be anything from education, personal experience, literature, computer access, personal relationships, etc. etc.
These resources will help steer you towards the direction of good solid investments. Use your resources. Trust your resources. You are the person who will make the decision based on these resources and information that you have gained.
2) Have a game plan.
Never make an investment with the idea of making fast money from it. That is a fool's way to invest. For every single fast money making investment, there are hundreds of investments that surpass it in value just due to time and seasoning of the product/stock involved.
Always plan on investing for the long-term. Never focus on what exactly is going to happen within the next few weeks... don't matter if it's the stock market, real estate, e-startup companies, heck even coffee beans. Focus on what is going to happen in the distant future, not necessarily in the next two months.
3) "Investors Endurance"
This goes along with number two having a game plan. Investor's endurance is absolutely critical. You have to plan for your investments should always be placed for the long-term gain. For example, someone that bought into some of the major stocks in 1950s those same stocks is the stable factors that many market analysts use to predict trends. Having investor's endurance is critical, that means that you're willing to ride out the valleys and peaks in order to ensure a long-term gain over your investment. Every stock will spike, every stock will fall, real estate prices will skyrocket, and then tumble and stabilize only to start the process all over. Is your job to notice rises and falls across a stance of time in which you hold your investments?
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